6 Mar 2014

Celebrating my 4th Blogversary and Announcing the Giveaway Winner!

Today I'm celebrating my Blogversary! I've been blogging for 4 years now and have enjoyed every minute. I'm very grateful to be part of such a supportive and encouraging book blogging and writing community.

I'm also really proud of how far I've come with this blog and it continues to be a much-needed creative outlet for me.

The highlights of the past 4 years have been:

  • 'Meeting' lots of new readers and book bloggers through them commenting on and following my blog and having fun discussions.
  • Getting to chat to amazing authors like Jessica Bell, Gennifer Albin, Jessica Khoury and Suzanne Lazear.
  • Joining in with the A-Z Challenge every April and finding lots of new blogs along the way.
  • Participating in regular memes like Top Ten Tuesday and Cover Characteristic.
  • Getting to be part of the street teams promoting Crewel by Gennifer Albin and The Aether Chronicles by Suzanne Lazear. These were both fantastic experiences to get creative and spread the word about books I love.
  • Receiving lots of free ARC copies, signed books, ebooks and book swag through entering competitions and giveaways.
  • Every time someone leaves a nice comment on my blog-it really brightens my day when someone has enjoyed a blog post.

Now onto the giveaway winner!

The winner of the giveaway was chosen at random by Rafflecopter.

And the winner is............*drum-roll*.....................

Cali Willette!

Congratulations, Cali. I will be sending an email to you shortly with details of how to claim your prize and you will have 48 hours to respond.

A massive thank-you to everyone that entered the giveaway and spread the word about my Blogversary. I really appreciate every single one of my commenters and followers. Thank you so much for making blogging so rewarding for me. :)


  1. Happy Blogversary!
    See you around during A to Z! :)

    anna @ Deeply Shallow
    Have a theme for A to Z? Reveal it with us on March 21 during the #atozreveal!

  2. Happy Blogversary! I've also signed up for the A to Z also (but am visiting now through the Celebrate the Small Things hop).

  3. Wow, 4 years! That's great. I just passed my first!

  4. Happy blogoversary! Good luck with A to Z this year. Even though I'm not doing it this time, it is a lot of fun, and I believe that's how we found each other's blogs.

  5. Happy blogversary! (I didn't know there was such a thing!) Your blog is beautiful, such calm and soothing art and colors. It's obvious you put your heart into it!


I love to hear what my readers think so please leave a comment. I reply to comments in the thread itself and not by email, but if you want notification when I reply, please tick 'notify me' underneath the comment box. Thanks!