17 Feb 2014

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Wrap-Up Post

The 2014 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon is coming to a close tonight. I really enjoyed taking part in this amazing blogfest. Here is a run-down of the activities I participated in and what I took away from the event.

Here are the links to my posts:
Interview Questions
Challenge 1: Book Spine Poetry
Challenge 2: Book Valentines
Challenge 3: Mad Libs
Challenge 4: Mash-Up
Challenge 5: Letter to Yourself
Challenge 6: Love-a-Thon Awards

What I enjoyed about the Love-a-Thon

1) The Mini-Challenges. These were so much fun. They were well thought out and really made you think creatively. It was great to read all of the varied entries.

2) Discovering new blogs and bloggers. During the two days of the Love-a-Thon, I added around 50 new blogs to my Bloglovin' feed! I also had about 30 new visitors to my blog, 11 of whom left comments. I tried to get round as many blogs as I could in return, and managed to leave a comment on 30 of the blogs taking part. I'll probably visit a few more over the next week or so. It's been a great opportunity to build my blogging network.

3) The organisation of the hosts. Alexa and Katelyn did an amazing job of organising this whole event. The interview questions and a full schedule with instructions for each of the challenges was sent out well in advance. The challenges and linkys were posted on both blogs to make it easy to sign up and both bloggers took the time to visit the blogs involved and leave comments. The whole challenge went very smoothly and it was all down to them.

What I think could be improved

The only disappointing thing about the Love-a-Thon was that it only lasted two days. Next time I would love for it to be a little longer, with more space in between each challenge. As I'm in a totally different time zone to most of the participants, I couldn't attend the twitter chat and it was a rush to get some of the posts ready in time. So it would be great if the Love-a-Thon lasted longer next time and we could prolong the fun!


I would like to say a massive thank-you to Alexa and Katelyn for putting the Love-a-Thon together, as I've had a fantastic time and it's obvious that they put a huge amount of effort into this. I'd also like to thank anyone that stopped by to comment on my posts during the Love-a-Thon and to my new followers. You're all awesome!

1 comment :

  1. I loved meeting so many book bloggers as well! It was really the best part of the Loveathon! :) And I really do hope they make it longer next time! :)

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas


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