31 Mar 2012

Hype about The Hunger Games


I have to apologise for being absent from the blogging scene for almost a whole month. Unfortunately I don't really have a great excuse, other than that I was lost in several new obsessions, including The Hunger Games. I went to see the movie last week and it re-ignited my hunger for the books. I thought the casting was brilliant-Jennifer Lawrence is so strong and striking, Rue was just how I imagined her and Lenny Kravitz was an unexpected choice for Cinna but he was just gorgeous!

I wasn't sure about Peeta at first but he grew on me as the movie went on. Even my other half enjoyed it, and he isn't normally keen on these YA movies, but there was plenty of action in it to keep him satisfied. Overall I think they did a very good job of sticking to the book and I would highly recommend it.

When I got home I started reading Catching Fire straight away. I spent several nights reading it until the early hours and being exhaused at work all day, as I couldn't put it down. I possibly enjoyed it even more than the first book. I finished a couple of nights ago and went to get Mockingjay from my bookshelf, when I noticed it had vanished! Perplexed, I tried to think of anyone I might have lent it to. I asked my other half if he'd seen it, and a guilty expression appeared on his face. He confessed that he'd hidden it from me so that I would have a break from reading and get a couple of nights of proper sleep! Hmph! Hopefully I will get it back this weekend as my best friend has already finished reading it and wants to discuss it with me, so I need to get a move on!

Have you seen The Hunger Games movie or read the books yet, and if so what did you think? If you've done both, how do you think they compared?

1 comment :

  1. I went and saw this last night.

    Completely turned off by Peeta (caveman forehead and pointed girly chin). I guess that's good news for my husband.

    Loved loved loved all the costumes of the Capitol dwellers.


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