This year I've decided to sign up for the Dusty Bookshelf Challenge hosted by Books: A True Story, as there are way too many books on my shelf that I haven't gotten around to reading in a year or more. Some of these are books that I've read part of but never finished, others have just been forgotten while I've been reading YA new releases.
There are four levels:
~Pixie Dust – Read 0-5 books
~Dust Bunny – Read 5-10 books
~Cobwebs – Read 10-15 books
~Grungy – Read 20+ books
Realistically I'm only aiming for the Pixie Dust level, but any more is a bonus. This year there is a theme for each month to help us pick books from our list which will be shared on the blog monthly, as well as on the Goodreads Group. There will also be giveaways and the following mini-challenges:
- Jan. – Quote Game
- Feb. – Share your favorite cover
- Mar. - Swag Swap
- April – Pick my Read
- May – Soundtrack your Book
- June – Read your Biggest Book
- July – eBooks
- Aug. – Clear your Shelves
- Sept. – Read your Dustiest Book
- Oct.- Book Buying Ban Moral Support
- Nov. – Share your Fav. Holiday Books
- Dec. – Final Giveaway and Link-up
- Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Caroll (1 year)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (5 years, half read)
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (3-4 years, half read)
- Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse by Robert Rankin (1-2 years)
- The Brightomnicon by Robert Rankin (1-2 years)
- The Antipope by Robert Rankin (1-2 years, half read)
- The Liar by Stephen Fry (1-2 years)
- The Hippopotamus by Stephen Fry (1-2 years)
- His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (2-3 years)
- The Fry Chronicles by Stephen Fry (1-2 years, half read)
- The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephanie Meyer (1-2 years, half read)
- The Greatest Show Off Earth by Robert Rankin (1-2 years)
- The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (5-6 years, half read a couple of times)
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (1-2 years)
- The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (FOREVER, half read)
Every three months I will be linking up my reviews for books I've read for this challenge, with the first one in March. To take part, you can sign up here.
Oh my gosh you have SO many good books on your list! Lucky. Alice in Wonderland! Jane Eyre! And the HOBBIT! Love the Hobbit. Once you see the movie, you'll be dying to finish it I think :) Thanks for joining my challenge.