27 Sept 2011

Teaser Tuesday (2) The Witches of Chiswick by Robert Rankin

Today I'm joining in with the weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should be Reading- Teaser Tuesdays!

Anyone can take part, so here are the rules:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

  • Here's my teaser:

    'Will's father was a part-time lay preacher to the church of IKEA (IKEA having brought out the Christian franchise some fifty years before). Will's mother did not share her husband's faith; she remained true to the church she had grown up with-she was a Sister of Sainsbury's.'

    ~p. 2, The Witches of Chiswick by Robert Rankin.


    1. So funny! I love it! mine is here: http://letsbookit.blogspot.com

    2. It may just be shocking but I have never been to an IKEA but I drove past the one in Shanghai earlier this year. LOL!

      Stop by to check mine out at a UnRead Brains Eat Bloody Words

      Black Disaster Fairy

    3. Awesome!!

      I love the blog and meeting other creative writers :)


    I love to hear what my readers think so please leave a comment. I reply to comments in the thread itself and not by email, but if you want notification when I reply, please tick 'notify me' underneath the comment box. Thanks!