3 Jan 2016

2016 Women Reading Challenge

I'm taking part in the fourth edition of the Women Challenge hosted by Valentina at Peek a BooK. The aim is to read more books of any kind written by female authors. You don't need a blog to participate and audio, ebooks and re-reads are acceptable. You can sign up with the Linky here.

There are 4 levels:

Level 1: BABY GIRL - read 5 books written by a woman author
Level 2: GIRLS POWER - read 6 to 15 books written by a woman author
Level 3: SUPER GIRL - read 16 to 20 books written by a woman author
Level 4: WONDER WOMAN - read 20+ books written by a woman author

Target: I'm aiming for Level 3: SUPER GIRL (15-20 books)
Progress: 0/15 (0%)
Last updated: 01/01/2016


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