5 Oct 2014

Cover Characteristic (26) Flip-flops

Cover Characteristic Blog Meme Badge

Today I'm joining in with the Cover Characteristic meme hosted by Sugar and Snark. Every week the author chooses a theme and you have to pick five of your favourite book covers featuring that object.

Today's cover characteristic is Flip-flops.

These are the ones that most appeal to me:

I think my favourite is Spring Fever because it's so bright and bold.I think it would look better with a different font, though.

What do you think? Which is your favourite cover and why?
If you want to have a go just pop on over to the blog and sign up with the linky.


  1. Lol, that's a lot of flip flops! My favorite of these is probably Footprints in the Sand. ;)

    1. Yeah I like the rippled reflection on that one, it's very pretty. Thanks for visiting, Kate.


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