16 Sept 2014

#Tackle TBR 5 Favourites Challenge

Today is Day 9 of the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon hosted by Wishful Endings. The idea is to challenge yourself to catch up with finishing as many books on your reading list as possible over the two weeks from 8th-20th September.

There will be a giveaway for all read-a-thon participants. If you'd like to join in, you can sign up here and follow the hashtag #TackleTBR on Twitter for updates.

Five Favourites Challenge

This challenge is hosted by Melissa Wright, author of the Descendents series! The challenge is to list your five favourite books. There is also a giveaway on her post to win an Amazon gift card.

This is a really hard challenge for me because I have a lot of favourite books across a wide range of genres so it's difficult to narrow it down to just five! Also I have childhood favourites that I love from a nostalgic point of view and adult books that I admire for their literary merit. It was really difficult to choose. But finally I managed to select these five:

1) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Okay, it may not be literary genius but I have read it so many times since I was around twelve years old and I still find it entertaining. The magic of Harry Potter hasn't faded for me at all!

2) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Now this IS literary genius. Fantastic plot, amazing imagery, fascinating characters-this book really does have everything and it's inspired so many modern and contemporary literary works.

3) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This book is just hilarious and makes me laugh again and again.

4) The Chronicles of Narnia. A firm children's favourite, this collection of stories still makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

5) Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. This is a fairly new favourite but I was really sucked in by the beautiful writing and imaginative ideas. It's completely unique.

Runners up: There were lots of favourites that didn't quite make the grade, including The Hunger Games, Divergent, Danny Champion of the World, Bridget Jones' Diary and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  

What are your top five favourite books? 

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