14 Sept 2014

Bloggiesta To-Do List Sept 2014

I took part in the Bloggiesta back in January and really enjoyed it. Now it's nearly time for the Bloggiesta again, it's coming up on Thursday 18th September.

 For those that haven't heard of it, here is the blurb from the site:

In short, Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing. Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks, mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an awesome fiesta!
You can sign up here with the linky all this week and write your own sign-up post with your to-do list.

Most bloggers use the Bloggiesta as a chance to catch up with little jobs they've been putting off like fixing their layout or organising their labels. There are sample to-do lists available as well as mini challenges. Here are the past mini challenges, but the new list will go live on Wednesday 17th September.

There will also be Twitter chats (#bloggiesta @bloggiesta):
  • Blogging and Life (Time Management): Thursday September 18 @ 2 p.m. Eastern
  • All Your Blogging Problems Solved: Friday September 19 @ 6 p.m. Eastern
  • Book Blogging Basics: Saturday September 20 @ 11 a.m. Eastern
  • End of Event Wrap Up: Sunday September 21 @ 1 p.m. Eastern

My 'to-do' list:

  • Complete at least one mini-challenge.
  • Reply to all recent blog comments.
  • Comment on at least 10 other Bloggiesta participant's blogs.
  • Back up my blog (posts and template).
  • Reply to messages on bookblogging.net 
  • Write and post at least two book reviews. 
  • Pin some of my blog posts to my board on Pinterest.

Are you taking part in the Bloggiesta? Let me know in the comments and I'll come and visit!

Creative Therapy blog post signature


  1. Thanks for joining the party and spreading the news! Good luck with your list.

  2. Good luck and I hope you're able to conquer your list!

  3. Love that you have commenting on the list. I need to do that too (should probably add it to my list) Good Luck!

  4. I like the look of your blog and good luck with your list!

  5. I've got commenting and two reviews on my to do list too, but my partner is moving home from uni at last this weekend so realistically some of my goals might get carried over to next weekend! Good luck with the list and have a great weekend :)

  6. Good luck on your list!

    This is my first time stopping by your blog, and I must say, I love your tag line. Soo true.

  7. Solid list! We are almost three complete days in, how is it going? PS: love the tag line, so true! But you forgot the joys of chocolate ;)

  8. Awesome list - I think with regards to books Pinterest seems to get forgotten - I love putting my books on there as it is like a completely separate entity but so many book lovers on there!

  9. Oooh, your goal of pinning some posts to Pinterest totally gave me a great idea for a goal for next Bloggiesta! I'm totally going to start using Pinterest for my blog! I've thought about it forever, and I've had a Pinterest account for a long time, but I just have never gotten around to it. That will be a great goal next time!

    You've got a great list, and a very achievable one! Good luck with all your goals! You can do it! :D


I love to hear what my readers think so please leave a comment. I reply to comments in the thread itself and not by email, but if you want notification when I reply, please tick 'notify me' underneath the comment box. Thanks!