12 Sept 2014

Feature and Follow Friday (3) Before Book Blogging

It's time for Feature and Follow Friday again, a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The idea is to make friends and gain new followers, as well as discovering some awesome new blogs to follow yourself.

To take part, all you have to do is sign up on the linky below then create a blog post linking back to the host's post. Then visit as many other blogs on the linky as you can to introduce yourself and follow them, remembering to follow back anyone that follows you!

Each week one blog is showcased and this week's Featured Blog is Something to Browse. It's required to follow the Featured Blog as well as the host blogs. Be sure to check out the rules if you want to join in. There's also a different question posed to the bloggers each week.

Question of the Week: Before blogging (dark times people!) how would you find out about new books or did you?

To be honest I can barely remember a time before blogging, but I think in the 'olden days' I just used to get recommendations from friends or browse local bookshops to see what was new. Our village also used to have a mobile library that we got to have a look round on a Thursday afternoon and me and Mum would always take a a huge carrier bag full of books to last us a couple of weeks.

 I remember the wonderful Scholastic book fairs that used to come to primary school where you could have a look at all the shiny new books in the hall and then beg your parents to order them for you from the magazine. I wish they would do a YA/adult version of this that would come round to people's workplaces, it would be great!

How did you find out about new books before blogging?


  1. Wow, bet all the teens forgot about book fairs =D I used to love those XD I remember getting sick in middle school and forcing myself to go, so I wouldnt miss the book fair!

    New follower via Bloglovin/GFC

    Guinevere & Libertad @ Twinja Book Review's #FF

  2. OMG Scholastic school bookfairs were the best. They were legitimately the days that I looked forward to going to school.

    Thanks for the visit/follow. Following back.

    Kat @ Readiculous Blog

  3. When the fairs used to come to my school they were never big - two stands at most - and we were discouraged from ordering more than one book. I think they didn't want the admin.

    Existing follower

    My FF

    Kate @ If These Books Could Talk

  4. I used to love the book fairs, brings back old memories! I'm an existing follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  5. The Scholastic Book fair! That brings back memories. I loved browsing the catalogue. The days when I was allowed to purchase a book and the delivery came in were like having a mini-birthday party.

    old follower :)

  6. I loved the book fairs too! My favorite day of the year was when they had the book fair. I used to love to get the "choose your own ending" books. Good memories. :-) Thanks for coming by my blog! Old bloglovin' follower.

  7. Hi Tizzy! First off, I love that you said "village". It makes me want to know where you grew up. Also....mobile library?!?! That sounds so awesome. New follower via GFC & Bloglovin' :)

    Axie @ Books are Bread

    1. Thanks Axie. I grew up in a tiny village on the East coast of England that boasted only a post office, chip shop and pub (all of which have since closed). The mobile library was a little van that came round every Thursday. It was great! Thanks for following and commenting.

  8. I used to have book fairs come to my schools too! Even though I wasn't an avid reader back then, it was still fun to look at all the shiny covers!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    New Follower :)

  9. Oh, Scholastic! I'm 37, but I would still buy the hell out of books through a Scholastic fair if given the chance! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me a follow- I'm now following you on Bloglovin!

  10. I've never even heard of a mobile library! FUN! I definitely do remember Scholastic book fairs though. I miss those... New Twitter follower :)

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  11. A mobile library is such a good idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog, followed back via bloglovin'.
    Have a great week!

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

  12. Oh I used to love book fairs! They were like the best thing ever! =)

    New bloglovin follower!

  13. I still buy from the book fairs at the school where I work. Love them! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I followed back. :)

  14. Wow, a mobile library sounds so interesting to me. How is that experience? I think the anticipation of getting new books after weeks made a great experience. Initiatives like this one should be done to show books to all that potential readers waiting for a great book. Following via bloglovin'

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you back on Bloglovin and Facebook.


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