27 Aug 2014

#Tackle TBR Read-a-thon Sign-Up Post

Today I decided to sign up to the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon hosted by Wishful Endings. The idea is to challenge yourself to catch up with finishing as many books on your reading list as possible over the two weeks from 8th-20th September. I always have a huge TBR pile made up of books I've been sent to review, won in giveaways, received as gifts or treated myself to. So this is a great chance for me to catch up with my reading.

There will be a giveaway for all read-a-thon participants. If you'd like to join in, you can sign up here and follow the hashtag #TackleTBR on Twitter for updates.

Here are the books I hope to finish during the challenge:

I've only picked four because I'm not a fast reader. I can skim through books very fast when I want to, but I usually prefer to savour them and become immersed in the story. I usually only have the chance to snatch about an hour of reading at the end of the day before falling asleep, so two a week is about right for me. If I do happen to get ahead, I'll continue to work through the rest of my TBR pile.

Are you joining in with the Read-a-thon? What's on your TBR list? 


  1. I hope you manage to finish all four of them and maybe even more :) Good luck with the read-a-thon

  2. Good luck with your reading goals!! I hope you finish your reading goals this round!! Thanks for visiting my blog and making a post.

  3. Thanks for participating! I hope you get a good start!! :)

  4. I am joining in. :) It's fun so far. Here's my Sign up Post with my goals and hopeful books on it.

  5. A few well savored is better than a bunch skimmed. You miss out on too many details that way. :) Best of luck!


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