30 Aug 2014

Stacking the Shelves (5) Birthday Haul 2014

Stacking the Shelves blog meme badge

Today I'm taking part in a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! If you'd like to take part please visit the launch page and sign up with the linky on Tynga's latest post.

Review Copies

I've been sent ebooks of White Lady by Jessica Bell and The Circuit: Executioner Rising by Rhett C Bruno, which I plan to read and review soon.


It was my birthday at the end of July and I was away in Tenerife. When I came back I was greeted with some lovely presents, including:

1) Shades of Earth by Beth Revis (from Grandad)
I'm really interested to see how the Across the Universe series ends.

2) Charmed Vengeance by Suzanne Lazea
Just before I went away, I was surprised by a mystery package in the post, which turned out to be a signed copy of  Charmed Vengeance that I'd won in a competition. I finished reading it a few days ago and I think it was even better than the first in The Aether Chronicles series. I'm now very excited to get my hands on the next book! I'll be posting a full review soon.

3) Gone by Lisa McMann (from Matt)
My husband left this under my pillow as a surprise!

4) The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction by Phlip Athans (from Robyn)
This looks like such a handy guide, covering everything from world-building to plotting and publishing. I can't wait to see what I can learn from it.

5) The Writer's Complete Fantasy Reference by Terry Brooks (from Robyn)
This is such a good idea. There's information about all sorts of different fantasy cultures, magic systems, mythical creatures and races, buildings and costumes. Everything you need to make your fantasy world detailed and realistic. I'm sure this will be really useful.

6) Incarnate by Jodi Meadows (from Grandad)
I started reading this one a few days ago and so far I love it! Last night I stayed up late because I couldn't put it down. Review coming soon!

7) Fever by Lauren De Stefano (from Mum)
I read Wither a little while ago now and am interested to see what happens next for Rhine.

Have you read any of these books yet? What books have you added to your shelves recently?


  1. Great haul. Those books look good. Have a great weekend.
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  2. New follower via bloglovin. It looks like you have had a great week. Incarnate was awesome.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. The cover of The White Lady is awesome! Hope you enjoy all your books. Here’s my STS..

  4. They all have such beautiful covers! And White Lady sounds really good. I hope you enjoy them!

  5. Great haul!! Looks like you got some really good books.It was awesome of your husband to leave the copy of gone under your pillow. I can imagine you were pretty happy when you noticed. :D

    Here is my StS Post for this week

  6. Oh, these all look pretty great! I really enjoyed Incarnate when I read it so I hope you enjoy, too! And happy belated birthday!

    Thanks for stopping by my post.

  7. I love Incarnate, Shades of Earth, and Gone. Great haul! Thanks for stopping by my post earlier!

  8. Nice haul! I hope you enjoy your new books!

    Come and check out OUT's STS

    And dont forget to enter the giveaways!

    Leydy from OUAT

  9. Great hul and a lovely surprise to come back to. :)

    New GFC follower
    Thanks for stopping by

    My StS

    Kate @ If These Books Could Talk

  10. Incarnate! Wasn't really for me, so haven't continued the series, though I do hate leaving them unfinished so I'll probably finish it eventually, haha. Happy reading! :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  11. Dang, some really good books there! Hope you enjoy all of them! Some I don't know, but I'll be looking them up now!

    Happy Reading!

    Jessica @ Ramblings on Readings

  12. So many awesome books! Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS: http://readingadd.blogspot.ro/2014/09/stacking-shelves-1.html


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