26 Jul 2014

Self-Esteem Challenge Day 8: The Last Compliment you Recieved

Today is Day 8 of the Self-Esteem Challenge, originally from Better than Dark Chocolate. It's a series of questions and prompts to get you thinking about your good qualities and things that make you happy or proud. See my introductory post for more info.

The last time you smiled when someone complimented you. What was the compliment and why did you smile?

This week a couple of people at my new work commented on how quickly I had done certain tasks and that they were impressed that I just got on with things without moaning and got it done. This made me smile because my new job has been challenging for me at times and I've put a lot of effort into it so it's really nice for them to notice and appreciate that. It also made me proud of myself for being someone who just gets stuck in and doesn't grumble and I was pleased that this approach was making a good impression. This simple comment about my work-ethic meant more to me than a compliment about my appearance would as it reflects my personality and something I've worked hard at rather than something I was born with or paid for.

What was the last compliment you received?

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