16 Feb 2014

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Mini Challenge 2: Book Valentines

The second mini challenge for the 2014 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon is to write a love letter to your book boyfriend(s)/girlfriend(s). I'm late posting so am not eligible to enter the competition, but I've decided to join in with the mini challenges anyway.

This was a very hard challenge for me as a) I am generally not a particularly soppy person, even towards my real-life boyfriend! and b) Romance is normally the last thing I look for in a book (I usually go for fantasy, sci-fi and dystopian novels with plenty of action). So it was hard for me to muster up enough affection for a fictional character, but there were a few that stood out for me: Peeta and Gale from The Hunger Games, V from Innocent Darkness, and Sam Roth from The Wolves of Mercy Falls series.  In the end, I decided to write my letter to Sam.

Dear Sam,
               As literary love interests go, you're probably my favourite. In fact, during my teen years you'd have been just my type.

Despite your troubled past, you're a gentle and sensitive soul without a chip on your shoulder. I suppose I'm drawn to characters with a soft side. You're a caring person and have always been very protective of Grace, which is another quality I admire. You saved Grace's life before you even knew her. You looked after her when she was ill and are always trying to keep her out of trouble. 

You're wiser than your years and handle the situation with Grace's parents maturely. It's refreshing to read about a love interest that isn't controlling and possessive-you let Grace make her own decisions and are there to support her when she needs you.

You're creatively talented. I love that you play the guitar and write your own songs. You're also smart and appreciate obscure German poetry! You're not afraid to show your sensitive and geeky side, but not once does that make you seem effeminate. Working in a book shop makes you even more appealing. I would enjoy hanging out and drinking coffee there on your breaks, talking about books.

Above all, I like the fact that you're determined. Despite the overwhelming odds and insurmountable setbacks, you never give up on happiness.

“I won't let this be my good-bye. I've folded one thousand paper crane memories of me and Grace, and I've made my wish. I will find a cure. And then I will find Grace.” (Linger, Maggie Steifvater).

A man who will fight so hard for love is a rare and precious thing.

Who would be your book boyfriend?

1 comment :

  1. My book boyfriend would be Augustus Waters from The Fault in our Stars <3


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