2 May 2013

The Aether Chronicles: Join the Airship Squadron!

Today I'm excited to announce that I've joined the Aether Chronicles Airship Squadron-a street team dedicated to promoting The Aether Chronicles series by Suzanne Lazear. For those who aren't familiar with it (where have you been?) it's a steampunk fantasy series featuring faeries!

Here's some more info from Goodreads:

Innocent Darkness

Sixteen-year-old Noli Braddock's hoyden ways land her in an abusive reform school far from home. On mid-summer's eve she wishes to be anyplace but that dreadful school. A mysterious man from the Realm of Faerie rescues her and brings her to the Otherworld, only to reveal that she must be sacrificed, otherwise, the entire Otherworld civilization will perish.

My review is coming soon.

Charmed Vengeance

In the Faerie realm, Noli Braddock's relationship with her best friend V has grown into something more. But V's mother, Faerie Queen Tiana, has ruled that they are forbidden to see each other. Returning to the mortal realm, Noli joins the crew of her brother's air-pirate ship, the Vixen's Revenge. There she discovers that her brother has hired the scallywag Faerie huntsman, Kevighn Silver. While serving as shipmates, Kevighn and Noli learn that the Earth Court King plans to find a forbidden artifact--one that will bring destruction to everyone Noli loves.

 Charmed Vengeance comes out on August 8th. It's available for pre-order at Barnes and Noble, where it's currently on sale at $8.45! You can also request it for your nook.

As an Airship Squadron Cadet, I'll be bringing you lots of news and fun stuff relating to the series, such as interviews and live chats with the author, reviews, blog tours, quotes and extracts from the books, workshops, fan art, and giveaways! If you want to help promote the books and have a chance to win some cool prizes, why not sign up to join the Airship Squadron? We'd love to have you on board.

If you're a fan of The Aether Chronicles, you can stay up-to-date through the Facebook page. Please help spread the word about this awesome series by liking, tweeting, pinning and sharing, and pop back here for more news and updates. Thanks!

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