6 Jan 2018

The Official 2018 TBR Pile Reading Challenge #TBR2018RBR

The Official 2018 TBR Pile Reading Challenge hosted by Roof Beam Reader is all about reading 12 books from your "to be read" pile that have been on your shelf or e-reader for at least one full year.

This is a good challenge for me as I am a habitual book buyer who can barely pass a Waterstones without getting a shiny new paperback, yet there are plenty of novels that have been gathering dust on my shelves for years.

You only have to read and review 12 books to complete this challenge. If you want to join, please visit the sign-up post. Crossovers from other challenges are totally acceptable, as long as you have never read the book before and it was published before 2017!

Every person who successfully reads his/her 12 books and/or alternates (and who provides a working link to their list, which has links to the review locations) will be entered to win a $50 gift card from Amazon.com or The Book Depository! There will also be monthly check-ins with mini-challenges and giveaways.

Target: 12 books from my TBR pile read and reviewed
Progress: 0/12 (0%)
Last updated: 06/01/2018


My 12 TBR books:

Links to my reviews will be posted below:

1) The Curse of the Sphinx by Raye Wagner
2) Shattered Blue by Lauren Bird Holowitz
3) Reality by Dani Heart
4) Lumiere by Jacqueline Garlick
5) Gambit by C L Denault
6) Hardwired by Trisha Leaver
7) Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft by Jody Gehrman
8) Everville: The Last Pillar by Roy Huff
9) You are Mine by Janeal Falor
10) Gretel by V Booke
11) The Circuit: Executor Rising by Rhett C Bruno
12) Going Home by Emma Lindhagden


13) Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
14) The Wrath of Angels by John Connolly

Are you taking part in this challenge? Which books from your TBR pile are you planning on reading this year?

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