23 Apr 2015

T is for Turquoise & Teal #AtoZChallenge

Today I'm continuing with the A-Z Blogging Challenge. This year I'm doing an A-Z of Colours. I'll be doing a variety of posts, including haikus and poems, arts and crafts, fashion and beauty, recipes and more!    

For the letter 'T' I have chosen two of my favourite colours- Turquoise and Teal. Both colours are somewhere between blue and green, with turquoise being a brighter, bluer shade and teal being a darker, greener hue. Turquoise is named after a gemstone of the same name

Keep reading to discover the symbolism behind these colours and see my Polyvore creations. 


Turquoise and teal are the colour of water, reminding you of clear skies and ocean waves. They are both bright, fresh colours that are associated with health and fitness. The turquoise stone is linked to good fortune and is used as a talisman or holy stone in some cultures.

In colour psychology, teal and turquoise represent open communication, emotional balance and clarity of thought. It is thought to be a calming and healing colour.

Complementary colours: Deep orange or coral

Plants and flowers: Turquoise hyacinth, Turquoise Ixia viridiflora, tweedia milkweed vine.

Animals: Peacocks, some fish eg. turquoise rainbow fish, blue waxbill, turquoise monitor lizard, turquoise pied parrotlets,

Foods: Some raspberry flavoured sweets and soft drinks

My Teal Wedding

I love the colour teal as for me it's such a fresh and relaxing colour. I decided to incorporate it into my wedding by going for 'peacock' themed colours-teal, peacock blue, purple and ivory. I was so pleased with the result and how all the colours worked together. Below are some examples of the decorations and attire:

You can find out more about the suppliers we used and the crafts projects involved here.

My Turquoise & Teal Polyvore Creations

Teal and Olive
Ocean Waves


Do you like teal and turquoise? What do the colours remind you of?

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