31 Dec 2014

2015 Reading List and Challenges

It's that time of year again! I love joining in with all the reading challenges. Even if I don't meet all my goals it's always fun to participate. I have plenty of books on my shelf and on my kindle, including some new ones that I received for Christmas, but I try to be realistic about how many books I can read as it's hard to fit reading in around work and my other commitments. I've narrowed my huge TBR pile down to books that have either been on my shelf for a while, that I need to review or that I'm really desperate to read.

My Priority Reading List

The Body ElectricThe HobbitThe AntipopeStarcrossedHush, Hush
DesperationTiger LilyAudrey's Guide to WitchcraftThrone of GlassThe Wrath of AngelsA Street Cat Named Bob: How One Man and His Cat Found Hope on the Streets
The Raven BoysA Clash of KingsThe First PillarYou Are MineGretelThe Hum of Sin Against Skin: A Short Story
FatedBad MenThe Maze RunnerGone Girl

If I manage to read all those, I can then move onto the rest of my TBR list.

There are also a few books that I don't own yet but are on my wishlist for this year. I might buy a few with the vouchers I got for Christmas.

If I manage to read all these books, I should complete the following Reading Challenges:

Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge

Target: 25 books. Around two books a month is realistic for me with everything that's going on right now!
Progress: 8/25 (32%)
Last Updated: 15/12/15

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Tizzy has
read 8 books toward her goal of 25 books.

2015 Women (Authors Reading) Challenge

This challenge is hosted by Valentina at Peek a BooK. The aim is to read more books of any kind written by female authors. You don't need a blog to participate and audio, ebooks and re-reads are acceptable. You can sign up with the Linky here.

Target: I'm aiming for level 2: Girls Power (6-15 books)
Progress: 7/15 (achieved level 2)
Last updated: 15/12/2015


New Author Challenge 2015


The idea behind this challenge, hosted by Literary Escapism is to find new authors that you’ve never tried before, not necessarily ones that are debuting. They can be in your genre of choice or you can be brave and try something new. You can pick to do either 15, 25 or 50 new authorsThe sign up post is here. After reading your new author, write your review and then go back to the sign up page and add your link to Mr. Linky.

Target: I'm aiming for 15 books by authors that are new to me.
Progress: 3/15 (20%)
Last updated: 15/12/2015


2015 TBR Pile Reading Challenge 


The aim of this challenge, hosted by Bookish, is to read all the books you've been telling yourself you'll read next time when you get a chance-this is your chance! Anyone can enter and any book counts as long as it has been sitting on your shelf for some time. Short stories and novellas do count! The only stipulations that the book must have been released in 2014 or earlier. No 2015 ARCs or 2015 fresh-off-the-press releases are allowed.

On the 25th of every other month there will be a chance to share wrap-up posts and there will be Read-A-Longs on the months that do not have wrap-ups, both of which are optional. There will also be giveaways in July and December. There are six different levels: A Firm Handshake (1-10 books), A Friendly Hug (11-20 books), First Kiss (21-30 books), Sweet Summer Fling (31-40 books), Could This Be Love? (41-50 books) and Married with Children (50+ books). 

Target: A Firm Handshake (1-10 books)
Progress: 0%
Last updated: 15/12/2015


2015 Sequel & Prequel Challenge

This challenge is hosted by Novel Heartbeat and Writer Grrl Reads. The goal is to read as many prequels and sequels as you can. You set your goal at whatever number works for you. There will be giveaways and opportunities to share reviews. To get points, you must review the book/novella somewhere. There are 5 levels: Newbie (10-25 points), Amateur (25-50 points), Advanced (51-75 points), Professional (76-100 points) and Veteran (101+ points). Check out the points system and sign up here.

Target: I'm aiming for the Amateur level (25-50 points)
Progress: 3 read (need to review). Potential 29 points.
Last updated: 15/12/2015


2015 Reading Challenge

This challenge is hosted by Popsugar. The idea is to tick off 50 books in different themes/categories on their list. Check out my sign up post to see what I'm planning to read for each suggestion. The original challenge post is here.

Target: I don't think I'll manage 50, so I'm aiming for 25 instead.
Progress: 7/25 (28%)
Last updated: 30/12/14


Reading Challenge Addict

This challenge is hosted by Cheryl, Gina and Bev from Reading Challenge Addict. It's all about how many reading challenges you can complete. There are four levels: Easy as Pie (1-5 challenges), On the Roof (6-10 challenges), In Flight (11-15 challenges) and Out of This World (16+ challenges). There will be  mini-challenges, updates & extra giveaways throughout the year. The sign up post is here

Target: I'm going for Easy as Pie (1-5 challenges) as I think this is realistic for me.
Progress: 1/5 (20%)
Last updated: 15/12/15


What's on your 'to be read' list this year and which books are on your wishlist? Are you participating in any reading challenges this year?


  1. You are joining quite some challenges. Thanks for joining mine and Tiger Lily is an awesome idea. One of my favorite retellings! I'm also participating in the TBR pile challenge & Flights of fantasy. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    1. I've had Tiger Lily on my Kindle for a while now and this is the perfect opportunity to read it. I'm really looking forward to the fairytale challenge as it will encourage me to read something new. Happy New Year to you too.

  2. Thanks for joining in our Prequel & Sequel Challenge! Hope you do well this year =) I'm in awe of your ambition for joining so many challenges! I, too, am tackling the fantasy challenge and the TBR pile challenge. 2015 is going to be an awesome reading year!

    1. I'm addicted to all the reading challenges, I can't help myself! Can't wait to get stuck into my TBR list. It's going to be fun!

  3. Welcome to the Women Challenge and HAPPY READING!


  4. I'm actually joining a couple of these too!

    Thanks for joining the Mythology Reading Challenge! You have some great choices there! (I also need to read Starcrossed... It's been sitting on my shelf since it came out! Ooops!)


I love to hear what my readers think so please leave a comment. I reply to comments in the thread itself and not by email, but if you want notification when I reply, please tick 'notify me' underneath the comment box. Thanks!