19 Oct 2014

Cover Characteristic (28) Dogs

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Today I'm joining in with the Cover Characteristic meme hosted by Sugar and Snark. Every week the author chooses a theme and you have to pick five of your favourite book covers featuring that object.

Today's cover characteristic is Dogs.

I adore dogs, so this is a great topic for me, although I usually avoid the books with sad endings!

Here are the covers that most appeal to me:

These are all so cute. I love the fun perspective of Woman's Best Friend-that's one happy dog! But my favourite has to be Sight Hound. We used to have a wolfhound and they are truly gentle giants. The cover illustrates this perfectly, as the woman is leaving into the dog as if he is supporting her through hard times and he is guarding her protectively. Adorable!

What do you think? Which is your favourite cover and why?

If you want to have a go just pop on over to the blog and sign up with the linky.

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