9 Sept 2014

Phobic Book Blitz + $15 Amazon Gift Card and Ebook Giveaway!

 Welcome to the Book Blitz for Phobic (The Forbidden Doors #1) by Cortney Pearson! Phobic is a new Young Adult horror novel which was published on September 8th.

Keep reading to discover the synopsis, find out about the author, read a guest post and enter giveaways for a $15 Amazon gift card and an ebook of Phobic!

About the Book

Fifteen-year-old Piper Crenshaw knows her house is strange. It’s never needed repairs since it was built in the 1800s, and the lights flicker in response to things she says. As if those things aren’t creepy enough, it’s also the place where her mother committed murder.

To prove she’s not afraid of where she lives, Piper opens a forbidden door, which hides a staircase that leads to the ceiling. That’s when the flashbacks of the original residents from 1875 start, including a love affair between two young servants. Each vision pulls Piper deeper into not only their story, but also her house. Piper confides in her best friend, Todd, whom she’s gradually falling for, but even he doesn’t believe her. At least, not until her house gets axed during a prank, and the act injures Piper instead, cutting a gash the size of Texas into her stomach.

Piper realizes her house isn’t haunted—it’s alive. To sever her link to it, she must unravel the clues in the flashbacks and uncover the truth about her mother’s crime, before she becomes part of her house for good.

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About the Author

Cortney Pearson is a book nerd who studied literature at BYU-Idaho, a music nerd who plays clarinet in her local community orchestra, and a writing nerd who creates stories for young adults. She lives with her husband and three sons in a small Idaho farm town.

Guest Post by Cortney Pearson

One of my favorite things about PHOBIC is the flashbacks to the past that Piper has. Halfway through, she begins seeing the original residents of her house from back in 1875, and she also witnesses a tragic love story between two of the servants. Here’s a swoony excerpt:

“We may not like it,” Ada says, “but two servants in love can do very little where their master is concerned.”
Thomas faces her again. This time, a twinkle lays in his blue eyes, and a smile quirks at the corner of his mouth. “You do love me.”

Silence pulses between them. Ada never breaks from his gaze. I’m warm from my knee-knocking kiss with Todd, but at the look they share, the temperature goes up a few more degrees.
“Heart and soul,” she says through her teeth, “and may I burn for the admission.”

However, not all the flashbacks are lovey-dovey. In fact, they’re pretty dark and add to the book’s creep factor. And while writing them, I needed insults from the 1800s. I found this website, along with this list.

Not that I’m huge into insulting people (really, I’m not!) but some of these struck me as just plain funny. (Thou beslubbering, beef-witted barnacle!)

Oh, the things writers find while researching their books!

So all you saucy, tickle-brained strumpets, what's your favorite combination? :D


Giveaway 1
Enter below to win a $15 Amazon gift card. The giveaway is open internationally and ends on September 16th.

I am also giving away an ebook copy of Phobic. To enter, you must be a follower of this blog by GFC, feed or Bloglovin'. Please leave a comment on this post with your name and email address saying why you would like to read Phobic. One winner will be announced on October 3rd and the prize will be sent out after October 10th. My usual Giveaway Policy applies.

Are you excited to read Phobic

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