2 Sept 2014

Monthly Wrap-Up August 2014

I normally forget to do these monthly wrap-up posts, but I thought I'd better get into the habit again. I'm on a bit of a blogging roll recently and hopefully the momentum will last.

Monthly wrap-up is an opportunity to reflect on the month that's just passed and what I've achieved and review my goal's for next month.

August really flew by because I was off work-it only seemed to last about a week! But never mind, I still managed to get a few things done in that time.


On holiday in Tenerife I read the following non-fiction books:

When I got back I finished reading Charmed Vengeance by Suzanne Lazear. Then I read Incarnate by Jodi Meadows and really enjoyed it. Reviews will be coming soon!

Creative Hobbies

Apart from blogging and making wedding thank-you cards, I haven't really done anything creative this month. I've hardly done any writing and not attempted any art projects. Hopefully I will get back into the swing of things soon.


I was away in Tenerife until August 12th on my honeymoon! During that time I had my 25th birthday and my husband and I had the 7th anniversary of our first date. Read all about my travels and the local attractions.

When I got back I still had a couple of weeks before I had to go back to work so I spent a lot of time blogging, watching films, reading and socialising with friends and family. I've started back at dancing again and am currently learning dances for our annual show in October. It seems to get harder to commit the time and effort as I get older so I'm only doing 4 dances in the show this year, which is just the right amount at the moment.

I'm still on a post-honeymoon high and enjoying life with my husband and cat. All is good :)

Goals for September

  • Read 5 books
  • Catch up with book reviews
  • Write at least 15 blog posts 
  • Take part in all Feature and Follow Fridays (5th, 12th, 19th and 26th)
  • Do at least 15 minutes creative writing each day
  • Learn my dances for the show and feel confident with them
  • Start going to Zumba again
  • Write to pen-pal
  • Get all wedding thank-you cards posted
  • Lose 6lb (through healthy eating and exercise)
  • Get garden re-design planned and quoted

Upcoming Events

Fall Blogiesta Sept 19th-21st

How was August for you? What are your goals for next month?

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