22 Apr 2013

S is for Superpowers #atozchallenge

[modelled by sunshine114 on DA,
photography by Mike Conner]
Today I'm continuing with the Blogging from A-Z Challenge hosted by Arlee Bird and his team of awesome bloggers. My theme is: Elements and features of speculative fiction and entertainment. So throughout April I will be blogging about characters, objects and themes that appear in sci-fi, fantasy and dystopian series. Today's post is all about Superpowers.

Superpowers are abilities that go beyond normal human limits. Many originated from Marvel and DC comics before entering more mainstream sci-fi TV shows and films. Those who possess superpowers can be heroes or villains, using their powers for good or evil. They may be traditional 'superheroes' or paranormal creatures such as witches and wizards, vampires and werewolves.

There are a wide range of powers (far too many to list here!) but here are some of the most common:

Physical Powers:

  • Power absorption-ability to gain other people's superpowers (usually when in close proximity to them). Peter and Sylar from Heroes and Rogue from the X Men can do this.
  • Super-healing-ability to recover quickly from bodily damage or heal injuries that would normally result in death. Examples include Wolverine from the X Men and Claire from Heroes. Dr. Who has a similar ability-he can regenerate when mortally wounded.
  • Super-strength-this is a common power possessed by many superheroes or paranormal beings, including Rogue and Beast from the X Men, all the vampires in Twilight, Thing from The Fantastic Four, Niki Sanders from Heroes, most of the characters from Buffy theVampire Slayer and Hulk and Thor from The Avengers.
  • Super-speed-all the vampires from Twilight are super-speedy, as is Daphne from Heroes.
  • Super-agility-several characters possess this, such as Spiderman, who can climb up walls.  
  • Invisibility-ability to appear unseen to the naked eye. Examples include Sue Storm from The Fantastic Four.
  • Flight-several super-heroes can fly, including Nathan Petrelli from Heroes, Storm, Magneto, Banshee and Rogue from the X Men, Superman, Ironman, The Human Torch and many more.
  • Kinetic absorption-the power to absorb forms of kinetic energy and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts. Gambit from the X Men and Sebastian Shaw from X Men: First Class do this.
  • Superhuman senses-the ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal human. Many superheroes possess extraordinary sense abilities, especially those who resemble animals, such as Beast or Wolverine from the X Men and both the vampires and werewolves in Twilight.
  • X-ray vision-the power to see through solid objects. Superman can see through anything except lead.
  • Physical manipulation-the power to alter or control the physical environment or certain elements of it. For example, Magneto from The X Men can manipulate metal through controlling magnetic fields and Dr.Doom from The Fantastic Four can control electrical energy.
  • Elemental powers-ability to control or manipulate the elements of nature including wind, water, earth and fire. Examples include Storm and Iceman from the X Men, Thor from The Avengers and  The Human Torch from The Fantastic Four.
  • Teleportation- the ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between. Nightcrawler from the X Men can do this. This is similar to the power of apparition in Harry Potter.
  • Shapeshifting-ability to change appearance or body structure. This can include elasticity (Mr. Fantastic), liquification (Tracy Strauss from Heroes) or size-shifting (Giganta). It can also mean the power to transform into the likeness of another animal, person or object. Examples include Morph and Mystique from the X Men. Werewolves from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Twilight also shapeshift when they turn into their wolf form. Animagi from Harry Potter can transform into animals.
  • Time Travel-the ability to travel back and forth through time (without the help of a time machine). Hiro Nakamura from Heroes and Henry from The Time Traveller's Wife can do this.

Mental-based Powers:

  • Telekinesis-the power to move things with the mind alone. Piper Halliwell from Charmed can do this.
  • Telepathy-the ability to read other people's minds or to mentally communicate with them. Jean Grey and Professor Xavier from the X Men, and Edward from Twilight possess this power. Vulcans from Star Trek are also able to do this when performing a mind meld.
  • Astral Projection-the ability to separate and control one's astral body. Prue Halliwell from Charmed masters this ability.
  • Empathy-the ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others. Phoebe Halliwell from Charmed and Deanna Troi from Star Trek have this power.
  • Precognition- the power to perceive the future, often in the form of dreams or premonitions. Phoebe from Charmed and Alice from Twilight have this power.
  • Mind control-the ability to alter the perceptions of others or to control the actions of others with the mind alone. Matt Parkman and his father from Heroes can do this, as well as Zafrina from Twilight.
  • Possession-the ability to take control and inhabit the body of an individual. Voldermort is practised at this.

Recommended Reads:

I hope you enjoyed my summary of superpowers. If you could choose to have any superpower, what would it be?



  1. I love superpowers! Maybe cause I wish that I lived in a world where I could actually have them. Except I'd want just about all of them and that seems to defy all the stories.

  2. When I was younger, my brother had a ton of X-men comics and I devoured them. Rogue was one of my favorites. Although I wouldn't want her absorption power.

  3. My daughter was interviewed and asked what superpower she would have if she could pick one - she wants to not be able to get injured. Pretty cool.

    Rhonda @Laugh-Quotes.com
    Visiting from AtoZ #41


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