28 Jan 2013

Please Allow me to Re-introduce Myself Blogfest

I'm always looking for fun blogfests and hops to participate in, and I stumbled across this great idea over at author Stephen Tremp's website. The idea of the 'Please Allow me to Re-introduce Myself' blogfest is to give bloggers a chance to share something about themselves with the blogging community and find out more about other bloggers. I think this a great way for us to discover blogs that we might not have come across yet. Participants are encouraged to tell their readers something interesting about themselves, such as their writing and blogging experience or a hidden talent. Well, here goes.

Hi, I'm Tizzy. I'm a twenty-something graduate working full-time in a busy pharmacy in England. I like to write, although I'm generally very poorly disciplined and lacking confidence, so progress is slow. This year I'm determined to put my fears and excuses aside and get a solid first draft of my YA fantasy done.

I love reading too, and am currently working my way through a huge stack of YA novels. I also fritter a lot of time away on addictive sites such as Pinterest and Polyvore, when I'm not blogging of course. When I get the urge, I also dabble in digital art, baking, crafts and soap-making. I like to keep my brain buzzing with lots of different projects. I love to dance and I perform in shows every year, which are always terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I've recently started going to Zumba classes as well-such a good workout for body and soul!

I'd describe myself as a nerdy hippie. I'm a fan of stuff like Star Trek, Harry Potter and The Avengers, am crazy about all animals and went veggie about six years ago. As a student of literature and philosophy I'm compelled to join in with almost any debate and recite useless facts to bored strangers. I'm also extremely forgetful and clumsy. I suspect I may have a rare form of OCD which manifests as obsessive list-making and compulsions to categorize EVERYTHING into themes, yet doesn't seem to stop me from being messy and slobbish. Somehow, despite my eccentricities I'm lucky enough to be marrying my soul-mate next year, and I can't wait!

How about you? Please feel free to join in by signing up with the linky here and posting to your blog, or introducing yourself in the comments. I'd love to hear from new writers and bloggers.


  1. What kind of dance you practice? I like to paint too but I do it in the old way, with brushes, pencils and pastels. Nice to meet you!

    1. I do a mixture of tap, jazz and modern. We do yearly shows based on various musicals which are always a mix of different styles. So I've had a go at everything from a 1920s charlston to street dance/hip hop. I never seem to find the time for traditional art but it would be nice to try it again. I haven't painted in years.

  2. I always say I'm going to try Zumba, and then I never do. I think you've just inspired me to say I'm going to try it again...doesn't mean I will. :-)

    1. He he, yeah I'd been putting it off for a while too, but now I'm so glad I started going. It's just sticking to it that's going to be a challenge now.

  3. Nice to meet you, I am a new follower, but I don't dare try Zumba. My intro is Here

    1. Hi Rhonda, thanks for following. Zumba isn't that scary once you get going. Everyone at my class seems very welcoming and you can just let your hair down without worrying what you look like or whether you're doing the moves perfectly. *Heads over to your blog to check out your post*

  4. Hope you get that draft done. Pinterest is a problem for lots of us.

    1. Yep, I must do it this year. I've decided that even if it turns out rubbish, I should at least give myself a chance. Oh Pinterest, both the love and the bane of my life!

  5. I love Harry Potter books and baking, too! So nice to meet you!

    1. Nice to meet you too, Sherry. I don't think I'll ever grow out of Harry Potter-but I'm just growing into baking.

  6. I have some hippy and nerdiness in me too. And I love Garry potter. And thanks for participating in the Re-Introduce Myself Blogfest!

  7. New follower here saying hello from the blogfest...

    I enjoy the happy beats of Zumba music and I am also working on a YA novel. I'm often curious to see what other YA writers are up to. So I look forward to reading more from you!

    1. Hi Cynthia, thanks for following! Yeah Zumba music is so feel-good. What genre is your YA novel?

    2. Right now, my YA novel's genre is contemporary realism with a baking theme. Thought you'd like to know since you like to bake too!

      What's the genre for your YA novel?

    3. That sounds like an original idea, you have me intrigued now. Mine is urban fantasy, but it's not about vampires or werewolves! It's based on African and Egyptian mythology.

  8. Wonderful to meet you Tizzy and I can feel the excitement about your up and coming wedding, congratulations! I'm a fan of HP, Star Wars and the Avengers but have avoided Pinterest like the plague, I simply don't have the time... for now.
    Great meeting you and looking forward to learning more from your blog! (:

    1. Thanks Elise (such a pretty name, by the way). Glad you share my nerdy interests :)

  9. Zumba is a great work out Tizzy! Congratulations on your pending nuptials... a wedding is an exciting occasion.
    Great to re-meet you via the blogfest.

  10. HI, Tizzy,

    SOOOOO nice to see you again.... A perfect blog hop to re-introduce ourselves. Oh, yes, I remember you from a few years back .... during one of my HP blogfests. You answered several questions correctly. LOL. We've chatted here and there since then, but it's nice to catch up with you.

    Congrats on finding your soul mate and upcoming marriage. I hope you finish that first draft soon...

    I too, love to keep busy with crafts and baking. A creative person needs many outlets.

    1. Hi again Michael. Yep, I'm trying to make more of an effort with blogging and commenting this year, so expect to see me around quite a bit! That HP blogfest of yours was awesome. Thanks for the well-wishes. I agree, you can never have too many creative hobbies!

  11. Congrats on your upcoming marriage. And boy do I understand about excuses with regard to writing. Not enough time is my biggest one. I hate when I don't have at least three hours free to try and write, when I know even writing a couple of paragraphs in a half an hour's time is still progress!

    It's nice learning more about you!

    1. Thanks, Nancy. Yeah I always say I don't have enough time. I like to have a full day ahead of me to write, but with working full-time it's just not possible. This year I need to make some sacrifices-get up early to write if I have to. I think I can make the time if I really try.


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