9 Sept 2012

POLL: Which of Crewel's covers is your favourite?

Which is your favourite cover design for Gennifer Albin's upcoming novel, Crewel? Take a look and vote below.

US edition:

I love the colours of this cover and the spiralling fractal lines make me think of the fabric of time.
The model for this cover has a unique look and striking green eyes that draw you in. I love the green swirls around the title which look like strands of time and the tag line tells you a little more about the book than the first cover.
This cover has a really glamorous feel but I prefer the original title. The tag line translates as something like 'the reciever of light'


  1. These polls make me wonder if there are any widespread differences in cover taste among nationalities. I mean--does the German cover actually appeal more to Germans--or at least follow the current trends in German book covers--or would the US cover be winning no matter what nationality the poll focused on?

    1. That's an interesting thought. I think there probably are different trends in each country. I've noticed that in the UK our covers tend to be a lot darker and often feature models. I'm not sure why that is, as I like the bright US cover in this case too. Sometimes I'm quite dissapointed with the UK covers. I'm not a fan of the German one because it seems a bit dated. It also puzzles me why they have changed the title.

  2. I usually prefer UK covers but in this case I like the US cover best.

  3. I love the us cover because of all of the colors :D new follower( Lena Marsteller GFC) :D What a cute blog!

    1. Thanks Lena! Yes I like the more colourful one too

  4. I voted for the US one because of the colors as well. I gave you an award over at my blog: http://brookerbusse.blogspot.com/2012/09/paper-mountain-awards-behind-scenes.html


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