13 Aug 2012

Birthday Book Giveaway Winners!

Firstly, I must apologise for the lateness of this post. I had hoped to announce the winners at the end of last month, but I was so busy that weekend that it didn't get done. Then when I got back I had a few personal issues to deal with, so blogging slid down to a lower priority.

Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone who entered the giveaway, it was lovely to read all your stories about your favourite birthdays. Thank you to my new followers and my old-faithfuls!

Anyway, the winners of my Birthday Book Giveaway are:

Claire Taylor- If I Stay

Kristina- Fever

Lissette Martinez-A book of your choice from Amazon, up to the value of  £5 ($7.82)

Soma Rostam- The Beach Cafe


I will be emailing you all shortly to get your postal address and your prizes will soon be winging their way to you.

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