5 Jul 2012

What's Next? (1)

Today I've decided to start participating in the new weekly 'What's Next?' meme hosted by IceyBooks.The idea is to post a list of three-five books that you want to read every Thursday and ask your readers to vote on which one you should read next. I thought this was a great idea because it's always so hard for me to choose which book off my humungous 'to read' pile I should go for next- I want to read them all NOW!  I have just finished reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare this weekend (review coming soon) and have the following books vying for attention on my shelf (click cover to read synopsis):

Switched by Amanda Hocking-purchased a few months ago.

Delirium by Lauren Oliver-purchased a few months ago.

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick-purchased a few months ago.

Shiver by Maggie Steifvater-borrowed from a friend on her recommendation.

Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright-borrowed from a friend because I enjoyed the film.

So, what do you think I should go for and why? Feel free to join in with the meme by visiting the blog and signing up with the linky or posting your choices below.

1 comment :

  1. Shiver is one of my all time favourite books but Hush Hush is a good read too. Good selection :)

    Fiona @ midnightfantasybookreviews.com


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