7 May 2012

Musing Mondays (2) If you were going to write a book, what would you write about?

Today I'm joining in with Musing Mondays, a weekly meme hosted by Should be Reading that ponders a new question every week.

This week’s musing asks…
If you were going to write a book, what would you write about? Would it be fiction, or nonfiction?

I've been trying to write a novel for some time now, but I haven't really found an idea that I think is amazing yet, so I have a few half-written pieces. One day I would really like to write a dystopian, fantasy or paranormal novel though. I would also enjoy writing a novel that was based on some of my real-life experiences, half fact and half fiction, but at the moment I would be too worried about people reading it and realising that the characters are based on them! If I was to write a non fiction book I would most likely write some kind of lamens guide to philosophy and ethics, like a companion for students.


  1. wow, am I the only muser not writing a book?
    but then, as I write, I can't..I must keep my secret life under wraps..like a spy, sort of. lol

  2. I absolutely LOVE your answer - thank you for sharing! :)

    Here's mine:


  3. Yes, even when fictionalized, sometimes the "real life" stuff we put into books can arouse curiosity. But since it's fiction, that's all it can do! lol


  4. how about you put those half pieces together, hmm maybe? I couldn't write that's for sure. Here's my Musing

    If you have a chance stop by my Giveaway

  5. Inspiration has to come from somewhere! I say do it anyway and let them wonder if it's about them. (First time on your blog, btw.)

    My MM is at http://katybrandes.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/musing-mondays-may-7/.

  6. Yes, sometimes coming up with an idea is really tough. Hope you find one that captures your attention soon :)


  7. I think writing Dystopian would be a lot of fun too. You get to create your own world and the characters are always changing so much it's interesting. My MM Post

  8. I'm with you--writing something for my students would be what I can handle.


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