17 Nov 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 17 Progress Report

Today I want to give a big shout out to all those of you attempting NaNoWriMo this year. How is it going for you? Last year was my first win but this year I'm not even sure if I will make it. I've been procrastinating so much that I haven't written a single word on a number of days. Yesturday was good as I managed to get over 6,000 words under my belt, but I'm still lagging behind at 22, 203 words when I should be at 28333 by now. I haven't even got to the middle of my novel yet and I already feel a bit bored with it. Probably not a good sign! It doesn't help that I've had a massive tension headache all day.

Oh well, I will try to keep ploughing on with it and see where it goes. If I can write 3000 words for the next four days while I'm not at work that will bring me up to 34203 words, then I only need write  1756 words for the next nine days to make it. Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone else taking part!


Day no.: 17
Days written: 7
Words written: 22,203
Percent complete: 44
Average words per day:  3171

Chapters completed: 6
Characters introduced:12
Characters killed off: 1
No.times characters sigh: 4
No.kisses: 0
No. tropes used: At least 6
Mood: Meh

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