24 Nov 2010

NaNoWrimo: Day 24

I've finally caught up with my Nano wordcount backlog by writing over 6000 words today and I've finally broken the 40,000 mark!

I'm so happy as I think the next 10, 000 should be pretty easy as I have to right two highly exicitng climaxical scenes as well as adding in bits here and there to flesh it out. And after tomorrow and friday at work I have a nice 2 and a half day weekend in which to type my little heart out.

When I first started I really had to work hard to reach 1700 a day, then I crept up to writing about 2500 on a writing day and on the last three days I have been writing I've written 5000, 7000 and 6000 words. Now that I actually know where my story is going and am getting to the nitty gritty stuff it's a lot more exciting! There's six days left to go and I can see the finish line! Wish me luck!

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