7 Nov 2010

The Alliterative Allomorph's awesome giveaway!

blog buttonsmallOkay, so I've never dedicated a post to another blog before, but this one definately deserves a mention. Jessica Bell, at The Alliterative Allomorph is only 45 away from a whopping 400 followers! To celebrate this massive achievement she is holding a truly generous giveaway that closes on the 2nd December. Unlike many other giveaways, there is no hard work required. You don't have to send in any writing, all you have to do to have a chance of winning is to become a follower, and there are other things you can do to boost up your points too.

Despite the easy entering system, the prizes on offer are truly amazing! First prize is a $40 Amazon gift card (think of all the books you could get with that), second prize is a $20 Amazon card, third prize is a $10 Amazon card and if you're a runner up you get a suprise, which is described as 'something greek', which sounds very intriguing. And as a twist, if she reaches 500 followers by the deadline, the prizes will double! Wow!

I will certainly be taking the opportunity to enter, and I hope you will too! Oh and if giveaways aren't your thing, it is well worth becoming a follower anyway for the interesting posts, inspiring poetry and great writing advice. Seriously, if you only do one thing today, make it following the Alliterative Allomorph. You won't regret it.


  1. Oh honey, what a wonderful post! :o) Thank you so much! I'm gonna give you an extra entry for the effort you've gone to! ;o)


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