20 Feb 2016

#LoveAThon Mini Challenge 1: Mix and Match

It's time for the first mini-challenge of the 2016 Love-a-Thon hosted by Alexa Loves Books, The Novel Hermit, Stay Bookish and The Daily Prophecy.

For this challenge, we were asked to mash-up a non-bookish hobby, passion, talent or fandom with our bookish life. We could do this through photos, art, videos and so on.

I decided to mix my bookish life with my interest in fashion. I love creating collages on Polyvore and over the years I've created a number of 'sets' based on some of my favourite books and literary characters.

Here are some of my favourites:

(Click to view in full)

You can see the rest of my book related sets here:
Book-cover based
Fantasy sets
Dystopian sets
Sci-fi sets

Do you use Polyvore? Feel free to leave a link to some of your book-related sets in the comments.

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