20 Feb 2016

2016 #LoveAThon Questionnaire

Today is the start of the 2016 Love-a-Thon hosted by Alexa Loves Books, The Novel Hermit, Stay Bookish and The Daily Prophecy.

The Love-a-Thon is an event dedicated to spreading positivity and love. It’s time dedicated to visiting other bloggers, leaving a comment or two, making new friends and fostering positivity among the members of our amazing community.

The event includes mini challenges, Twitter chats and giveaways galore! It takes place from February 20, 12:00AM EST to February 22, 12:00AM EST.

Today we are all sharing our answers to a questionnaire so that our readers and fellow bloggers can get to know us a little better.


1) What’s your name? 
Tizzy Brown 

2) Where in the world are you blogging from?

The UK

3) How did you get into blogging in the first place?

I was dabbling in creative writing and wanted to build my confidence up by sharing some of my work and 'meeting' other writers and creative types. Check out my first post.

4) How did you come up with your blog name?

My husband came up with it when helping me brainstorm ideas. It fits because I enjoy blogging about a whole range of creative activities as well as reading and for me it's a kind of therapy. 

5) What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?

YA speculative fiction (dystopian, fantasy and sci-fi).

6) What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?

7) Best blogging experience so far?

I always love taking part in the Blogging from A-Z Challenge.

8) Favourite thing about the blogging community?

Everyone is really supportive and ready to help, whether it's recommending books or giving tips and advice on how to improve your blog. There's always lots of memes and events to take part in and people are very welcoming. 

9) Name the 5 books you’re most excited for in 2016!

The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury, The Reader by Traci Chee, Truth Witch by Susan Dennard, The Shadow Queen by C J Redwine, Riders by Veronica Rossi.

10) Name the 5 books you want to read in 2016 that you didn't get to in previous years!

The Maze Runner trilogy, Sever by Lauren Oliver, The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey, Asunder by Jodi Meadows, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.

11) What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?

The Across the Universe series by Veronica Roth. 

12) Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF?

Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

13) Which book boy or girl would be your book boyfriend/girlfriend?

Fellow INFJ Remus Lupin from Harry Potter.

14) Who would you recruit for your apocalypse squad (5 characters max)

Katniss Everdeen, Tris Prior, Hermione Granger

15) Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?

I enjoy writing, drawing, dancing and playing computer games. I love animals, sci-fi and fantasy films, retro music and classic British comedy shows. I'm fascinated by philosophy and psychology.

16) Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?

Clothes, beauty products and stationary.

17) At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing?

Mr Blue Sky by E.L.O

18) Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book.

I'd like to see a movie version of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series as the fantasy battle scenes could be as epic as LOTR. 

19) What would your dream library look like?

I'd love a home library like this:

Or if I was a billionaire:

20) Author you want to meet and sit down to tea with?

Neil Gamain would be fascinating to talk to. 

    That's it! Feel free to link to your questionnaire response in the comments below.

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