3 Apr 2015

C is for Coral #AtoZChallenge

Today I'm continuing with the A-Z Blogging Challenge. This year I'm doing an A-Z of Colours. I'll be doing a variety of posts, including haikus and poems, arts and crafts, fashion and beauty, recipes and more!    

For the letter 'C' I have chosen the colour Coral. Coral is a bright, summery colour somewhere between orange and pink. It's named after the marine animals of the same name that live on tropical reefs. It's a popular colour in fashion, especially for dresses, lip colour and nail art. These Pinterest boards have some fantastic examples of this vibrant colour.

Keep reading to discover the symbolism behind this colour and see my coral Polyvore collages and artwork.


Coral represents joy, energy, warmth, excitement and lust. In some sects of Hinduism, coral is shown as being the colour which represents the first (muladhara) chakra.

Complementary colour: turquoise/teal

Plants and flowers: Dahlias 'beach bum' and 'coral gypsy', zinnias 'dreamland coral', sweat peas 'valerie hammond' and 'mollie rilestone', peonies 'coral charm' and 'coral magic', diascia 'coral belle', Echinacea 'coral reef', larkspur 'sublime salmon', oriental poppy 'salmon'.

Animals: coral, salmon, flamingos

Foods: salmon, watermelon

My Coral Polyvore Creations



My Coral Artwork

Here's my painting of part of a coral reef with lots of pinky red marine life.


  1. Hi Tizzy

    Love the watermelon scarf and the little strappy top that goes over the jeans, you've reminded me that I really need to go clothes shopping at some point this month!

    Coral is a colour I tend to step away from in clothing but I love to see it in nature.

    Mars xx
    Curling Stones for Lego People

    p.s. love your graphics for the A to Z letters!!

  2. That color always reminds me of spring. And your banners for these posts remind me of the 80s!

  3. Ha ha yes, they definitely have a retro vibe! It's a very happy colour isn't it?

  4. Thanks, Mars. I like to wear coral sometimes in the summer but I have to be in a certain mood for it. Where I live the sun rarely makes an appearance so you can't really get away with it without looking odd. Love your name!

  5. Annalisa Crawford3 April 2015 at 19:13

    Coral means summer to me. I giggled when I read Stephanie's comment below, saying spring!

  6. Yes, in the UK spring is definitely more about muddy brown and cloudy grey!

  7. Ah, no more saying "pink flamingos" for me. Very cool painting.

    Take 25 to Hollister

  8. Coral is my absolute favourite colour. I'm dying for a pair of those coral converse sneakers you have in that one pic! Love the art work!

  9. Oh I love the converse too. I don't wear coral very often, though.


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