7 Feb 2011

Nifty Fifty Blogfest Contest!

Now that I've reached my first milestone of 50 followers, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all those who have followed my blog and commented on my posts along the way. Your support encourages me to continue with my blogging and strive to be a better writer, and it means a lot to me that so many of you enjoy reading my posts. So without further ado I announce my very first blogfest contest!

The prize up for grabs is a Bodleian Library Everyday Journal from Museums and Galleries. It's a 10 x 17cm hardback journal with 336 pages perfect your writing notes, favourite quotes or to be used as a reading journal. I use mine to record books I've read with a short review, and books I plan to read.

So what do you have to do to win this cute notebook?
1) To be elligible to enter you must be or become a follower. That's the easy part.
2) Add your name and link to the linky tool below and comment on this post.
3) Write a blog post based on the theme FIFTY. It could be a poem, a short scene, annecdote or evena list of your top 50 favourite things-the choice is yours! It could be about a 50th birthday or wedding anniversary, a group of fifty people, or perhaps be set in 1950. Whatever you choose, it has to involve the number 50 in some significant way.
4) Post your entry on your blog on Sat 26th February 2011.

I will spend Saturday and Sunday judging the entries and announce the winner on Monday 28th. I would really appreciate it if you would show your support by blogging about my giveaway or adding this badge to your site:

Thank you and good luck!


  1. I've joined up - have you tried asking other bloggers who have a list of blogfests to add you? Ellie Garrett has a page of blogfests - http://elliegarratt.blogspot.com/p/blogfests.html

  2. Thanks for joining up and for the link, I will try asking people to put up a link. Looking forward to reading your entry.

  3. I've signed up and added it to my blogfest list! I will post my entry before work on Saturday but probably won't get a chance to visit the others until Sunday. Work...bah humbug.

    Another blogger who keeps a list like mine is Summer Ross.


  4. Thanks Ellie, I really appreciate it! I'll check out Summer's blog.

  5. Thanks for letting me know about your blogfest! I have it posted on my blogfest page!

  6. Thank you for advertising it for me, Summer!

  7. I've put it up on my Tuesday 2/22 post. I've already scheduled a post for this Saturday, but let me see if I can theme it somehow to fit the blogfest. Good luck!

    Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011

  8. Thanks, Lee. It would be great if you could join us.

  9. Okay, Tizzy, I have signed up for Saturday's Blogfest. I'm also going to give it another plug on my post for tomorrow (Thursday 2/24). Just a tip--maybe you should also put the Linky list at the top of the page so it's more visible. Your blog event isn't very visible to visitor.
    Good luck with it!

    Tossing It Out

  10. Hi, Tizzy! I'm dropping in from Lee's blog, am your newest follower and signed up for your fest. I hesitated on the fest entry as I'm headed into a busy weekend but will do my best.

  11. I absolutely cannot resist the chance for nice journal. It's an obsession of mine... Count me in.

  12. Congratulations!
    What a fun blogfest idea. I shall try to get my brain around a poem for the blogfest. :O)))

  13. Hi Kittie, thanks for following. I joined The Block too. Thanks for signing up and don't worry about the post, it doesn't have to be very long.

    Hey Subcreator-I'm exactly the same about journals. I have to have different 'themed' notebooks for practically everything, and only certain pens can be used with each one! Your blog is beautiful by the way, I love your fantasy ideas.

    Madeline- I hope you do, I love poetry!

  14. I have signed up, followed and put a link on my Blogfest and Challenges page.
    I'm not entirely sure when I am going to be able to get the post written, but it sounds like fun..so I'm in :)


  15. I'm in! Thanks... looking forward to seeing the other posts.

  16. Thanks, Holly, that's awesome! I joined your blog too, it looks good enough to eat!

    Barb- glad you're on board, and me too!

  17. I think I linked way too many times - sorry about that! But my post is up - yay!

  18. Just read your profile and realize it said you're a vegetarian. That's great. I'm not. I like all things animal. I know. I'm bad. But my husband is Vegan and my 7 yr old daughter has been a vegetarian for almost two years now. She decided that herself. My husband has been a vegan for 18 years. I wish I was strong enough to let go.

  19. Hi Angela, yeah I've been vegetarian for about four or five years now. I think it depends what situation your're in, but at the time my mum and sister were both vegetarian so I got used to eating quorn and soya substitutes quite early. I wasn't that keen on red meat anyway (I lived off chicken nuggets or fish fingers!) so giving up wasn't that difficult for me. I do miss meat sometimes, but usually only when I'm hungry and luckily nowadays there are so many yummy alternatives so you're not just limited to veggie sausages and burgers like you used to be. In the end it's natural to eat meat, so I don't think there's anything wrong with eating it sustainably (eg. eating free range and cruelty free)if giving up is not for you.

  20. Congrats to the fifty (you won't be happy about that number for a while now, maybe never again, so enjoy it)

    I don't blog on Saturdays, so sorry I can't take part in your blogfest.
    Nahno ∗ McLein


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