21 Jan 2011

Significant Other Blogfest!

 Today Talli Roland and DL over at Cruising Altitude are hosting a Significant Other Blogfest. Basically the idea is for us to relinquish control of our blogs for one day, handing over the reigns to our partners, who are supposed to tell you what it's like to live with a writer. I didn't know about this blogfest until getting back from work this evening, so my poor partner Matt got lumbered with this task at the last minute, with absoloutely no warning. He couldn't be persuaded to write the whole post himself, but he kindly allowed me to interview him.

Matt is not a writer himself, but he is an artist, so he's creative but in a more visual and practical way. I, on the other hand, tend to poke myself in the eye with paintbrushes. So it was interesting for me to find out what he thought about my writing.

 What did you think when you first found out I liked to write?
Being a creative person myself, I was very happy when I found out that you enjoyed writing because I realised you were a creative person too. I'm interested in how other people with artistic and creative flairs have different ways of expressing their creativity.

Do you ever enjoy writing?
I don't really have time to write down my own feelings and thoughts, or attempt to write a novel. However, I do enjoy contacting people and socialising over the internet rather than talking to people on the phone because I'm a visual person and I like to have time to compose what I'm going to say. I enjoy writing lists and when I have to write essays I do end up writing in great length.

Do you see anything in common between writing and the kind of art you do (traditional art, photography and digital art?)
Yes, especially when it comes down to emotions. Although art and writing are expressed in completely different ways, a lot of the original basis of the ideas stems from the same thoughts and creative processes, no matter if its dancing, writing, painting, drawing or singing. All these methods can be used and interpreted in different ways to get across the same message. The one main thing that I feel ties it all together is emotion and a creative way of expressing opinions and thoughts.

Do you think I would ever be able to make a career out of writing?
Yes, there's several different careers that you can follow involving writing and you're very talented, very driven and I've no doubt that one day you'll find a job that lets you be as creative as you want to be and enjoy your work.

What one thing would you change about my writing habits?
There's quite a few times where I've known you've been writing and obviously you've been very passionate about it, so you've been in your own little creative bubble, saying yes or no to things without really knowing what you're saying. Although I know you're very busy with your writing, I don't think you share enough about what you're writing or your own thoughts and feelings about it. If you ask me what were the past five things you've been writing about on your blog, I wouldn't even be able to mention one of them. Sometimes you can be quite insecure about your writing and don't want me to watch you while you're typing, and I don't want to invade your privacy, but it would be nice for us to talk about it.

What food or drink is guaranteed to return me to a good mood, even after a bad day writing?
It's got to be the classic Quorn steak and mushroom pie with jacket potato and gravy!

How hard is it to sit by and watch someone you care for struggle to attain a dream...knowing there's very little you can do to help?
I don't really agree with the question because I don't believe you are struggling. Everything you've done relating to writing you've been very good at-your blogging and NaNoWriMo for example. The only problem you face is not having enough time to write. And if you really were struggling, I think I would be able to help by getting in touch with contacts who have been self-published. I 'd support you any way I could-financially, emotionally or just with the knowledge to help you succeed.  

What would be the perfect title for a book about our relationship?
Together Forever (or at least until Tuesday).


I think Matt definately has a point about me not sharing my writing very much. When people watch me writing or typing I do feel insecure and instantly pull away or try to cover it up not-so-subtley. I'll try to talk about my writing with him more from now on. I think it's true that writing has a lot in common with other artforms. One of the reasons we get on so well is that we're both creative, and I think it's great that we both have different hobbies. That last answer is typical of his sense of humour.


  1. Great post!

    I am very cautious about sharing my writing. If someone walks up behind me I DO cover the screen. But if they ASK to read something, I can share (after careful perusal to make sure it's up to snuff)


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