24 Jun 2017

I'm Back! What Happened on Hiatus?

After a super long hiatus, I'm finally returning to blogging! My absence has largely been due to my maternity leave ending in September last year and finding it hard to juggle hobbies like blogging and reading alongside the demands of full-time work and looking after my daughter.

I have really missed sharing my book reviews and artwork on Creative Therapy and engaging with my book blogging family. The time now feels right to get back into regular posting again, so stay tuned for the announcement of a new blogging schedule!

So, what have I been up to all these months? Here's an update below:


As you would expect, since going back to work I've been tired with a capital T and I had several months of being really run-down and catching every virus going. Work has been stressful at times and I was suffering from bad mood swings and headaches. I thought perhaps it was a hormonal problem or maybe another bout of depression and anxiety, but it turned out to be an extreme vitamin D deficiency combined with lifestyle issues (lack of sleep, poor diet, little exercise and no relaxation time). 

Nine weeks ago, I began taking prescribed supplements and made a commitment to making my mental and physical health a priority. I started a health and wellbeing journal and gave my diet an overhaul-I don't believe in fad diets or cutting out whole food groups; I'm simply eating more fruit and veg, less sugar and sensible portions. I've signed up for Clubbercise with a friend starting on Monday and I'm hoping to do more walking and swimming over the summer. 

I still have a long way to go, but I'm feeling much more positive and like my true self again lately. I'm now hoping I can dedicate some more time to the hobbies that make me happy: blogging, writing, arts and crafts- the 'Creative Therapy' I need. Over the summer I'm also going to be investing more time in my writing, editing and design business. 


My daughter is almost 18 months old now, and I know all parents say that the early days fly by, but it's really true! In what feels like no time at all she has transformed from a helpless, squishy little potato to a proper little girl with a full personality, boundless energy and the beginnings of language. She is a very cheeky little girl who makes me laugh daily. 

She recently took her first steps but is still reluctant to walk on her own, preferring to do a spider-like crawl that reminded my sister of something from The Exorcist. She seems to be more interested in talking and can say several words now: Dadda, Mamma, yeah, no, ta (thanks), cat, stones, really, tiger and teddy. She can recognise lots of different animals and do the correct animal noises for lion, duck, cat, dog, snake, sheep, cow and owl. Watching her learn and develop brings me so much joy and I love every minute I spend with her.


My husband Matt continues to be my rock and best friend. We've been through a lot together and recently we've had to deal with the challenges of working full time, raising our daughter, looking after the house, maintaining some semblance of a social life and still trying to make time for each other. It's not always easy, but there's no one I'd rather go through it all with. 

Last summer, my Dad had a health scare and had to have a serious operation. It was a really scary time, but thankfully he made a full recovery. He was unable to work for several weeks though, so he came to live with us. I really enjoyed spending time with him. He's currently in the process of moving in with his fiance and her son and he's happier than I've ever seen him, which is fantastic.

I'm looking forward to getting back in my blogging stride again. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you soon.

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