23 Mar 2015

The Great and Powerful A-Z Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge

It's finally time for the Great and Powerful A-Z Theme Reveal Blogfest, in which bloggers share their themes for the upcoming A-Z Blogging Challenge and give their readers a hint of what to expect from it.

Keep reading to find out more about the A-Z Challenge and discover what my theme for this year will be!

What is the A-Z Challenge?

For those in the dark about the A-Z Blogging Challenge (seriously, where have you been?), it's a blogfest that takes place every April. The challenge is to write a post for every day of the month except for Sundays, with each post representing a different letter of the alphabet.

It's a great event to take part in if you want to stretch yourself to blog around a theme and get back into a habit of regular posting. It's also a fantastic opportunity to meet other bloggers, discover new blogs and grow your own audience. Most participants find they have an increase in followers and commenters during the challenge and some make life-long blogging buddies. The challenge grows every year and so far there are over 1090 blogs taking part this April!

How do I get involved?

1) Sign up with the linky here before April 1st.

2) Check out the list of co-hosts and helpers and consider adding their blogs to your feed.

3) Get to know your fellow participants by following their blogs and adding them on social media. 

4) Consider the theme you will be blogging around for the challenge. Read up on the benefits of themes and what makes a theme successful

5) Start preparing your posts! I normally start writing mine quite early and scheduling them to post on the correct days in advance. This saves me a lot of time and stress later on, so that when the challenge starts I can spend more time engaging with other bloggers.

My Theme  

A theme isn't compulsory for the A-Z Challenge, but I've found that it's worked well for me in the past to have a topic to work around. This year I've chosen a theme that I've been considering for a couple of years now. I've decided to do an A-Z of Colours!

This is obviously quite a broad theme and I plan to do a variety of different types of post, including:

  • Photography
  • Haikus and poems
  • Traditional and digital artwork
  • Info about colour symbolism
  • Book spotlights
  • Fashion and beauty (Polyvore collages, makeup looks)
  • Animal/nature related
  • Art and craft tutorials
  • Colourful recipes

I'm really excited about this theme as there are a lot of things I can do with it and I already have a ton of ideas. I'm hoping this theme will give me a chance to get more creative and bring some variety to my blog. I've chosen a colour for each letter so far (apart from X, which is always a bit of a struggle) and have planned out the first 10 of my posts. Luckily I have the first two weeks of April off work, giving me a great chance to get my posts done and scheduled in advance.   

I can't wait to see what everyone else has picked for their theme, so I'm off to visit some other blogs now.

If you're taking part in the A-Z Challenge this year, I would love to hear what theme you're doing. Feel free to share the link to your theme reveal post below!


  1. Hiya

    I've been revealing my theme today as well, there may be a few colours in there too but I haven't decided yet... I set out with good intentions to prewrite all 26 before the start of April and then I didn't... oops!

    Curling Stones for Lego People

  2. This sounds like it will be a fun theme! I'm looking forward to seeing your posts. My theme is mental health. I'm so envious of your time off. I haven't written any of my posts yet..eek!

  3. Very nice blog. I look forward to your A to Z posts. (smile)

  4. What a fun theme. I look forward to following your posts.

  5. I'm not doing A to Z this year, but I look forward to seeing what you'd post. I love colors and am always looking for creative ways to describe things without showing the same things all the time or naming the same cliche colors (e.g. sky blue, duh!)

  6. Sounds like a fun theme! Good luck with the #AtoZChallenge!

    This is my, www.thechinesequest.com first Challenge, and I'm excited to be participating!

  7. I did a color theme last year and it was a blast! Sounds like you will have a lot of fun with this one :)

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...

  8. Colors is one of those ideal theme topics where you can never run out of ideas. Best of success filling the blogger world with colorful thoughts.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  9. Oh my God I love your blog design and the theme! :D Can't wait to read your entries and I am totally book marking you!
    Find me at www.saraallie.blogspot.com

    ~ Saraallie


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