28 Mar 2015

#AtoZChallenge Blogs I'm Most Looking Forward to Reading

I'm in a terrific mood today, because not only is it one of those rare Saturdays where I have no plans (this is good news for introverts like myself) but it's also the start of my two week long Easter holidays. This means I now have lots of time to engage in my favourite hobbies-reading, writing and blogging-and this makes me very happy indeed. The lovely, long lie-ins also help :)

Anyway, I've spent most of today trawling through the list of blogs that signed up for the A-Z Challenge theme reveal, bookmarking ones that seemed interesting or had a theme that appealed to me. I didn't manage to get to all the blogs (there are 544 on the list), but I did have a look at about 250 of them, so that's not bad! I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to leave any comments, but I do plan on visiting some of those blogs during the challenge to say 'Hi'.

Here is a 'shortlist' of some of the blogs I'm really looking forward to visiting during the challenge:

Art & Craft

Erractic Project Junkie-Crafts Projects
Notes Along the Way-Painting by a Fictional character
Kay Gets Crafty-Scrapbooking
Amy Beads-Bead-it-Forward!

Creative Writing

Author A J Lauer-An interactive fiction adventure from A to Z!
My Baffling Brain-Flash fiction
The Faux Fountain Pen-The Name Game (naming characters in stories)
Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles-Writing emotions and reactions
Fantasy Boys-A-Z of Colour Drabbles 
Bohemian Nerd-Unusual, Bizarre Words paired with Poetic Forms
Megzone-Poetry Types
Madly-in-Verse-Response Poems
Writer-in-Transit-Flash Fiction


Lost Thoughts-Favourite Characters in Literature
The Multicolored Diary-Epics from A-Z
Mina Burrows-Penny Dreadful Stories
Writing in Wonderland-Seuss-isms from A-Z
A Few Drops of Ink-What a Character!
Magic Moments-Characters
Entertaining Interests-The 411 (on words, blogs and 2015 novels)
Beat About the Book-Compelling Characters From Books We Love


Movies, TV and Steaming-Oh My! Favourite Scenes and Quotes
Writer's Block-Disney Characters
Pensuasion-Movie Smackdowns

Mythology, Religion and Paranormal

Jay Noel-A-Z of World Mythology
Stephen Tremp-The Supernatural
Dijinnia and the English Language-Wiccan, Pagan and Other Random Coolness
Pull up a Toadstool-The Paranormal
Books for Thought-Paranormal Characters
Wild Woman's Wolf Pack-Spirit Animals
Musings of a Penniless Author-Greek Gods, Men & Monsters
K Ferrin-Monsters & Mythical Creatures

Science Fiction

Comparative Geeks-Science Fiction Today
Fulfilling Dreams-Space/Planets in Science Fiction


Sara Writes-The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Orlando, Florida
Destination: Fiction-Italy from A-Z
Palmer's Page Turners-Places I Want to Visit, Real or Fictional
Lizy-Expat-Writer-An Expat in Tenerife


MopDog-26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary
Living my Imperfect Life-A-Z of Phobias in the Form of Limericks


Liz Brownlee, Poet-A-Z of Amazing Animals


Somber Scribbler-Mental Health
Playful Creative-Treasures
Sourcerer-It's a Geek Pastiche
The Write Mage-Colors (the same theme as me!)

I'm sure this list will grow as we get nearer to the challenge and I discover more blogs. 

If you're taking part in the Blogging from A-Z Challenge this year, I would love to know what your theme is, if you have one. Also, feel free to share links to any other blogs that you think have interesting topics.


  1. I wasn't expecting my blog to be listed there! Haha! Took me by surprise! :)
    Looking forward to read yours!

    ~ Saraallie

    1. My sister is doing a fantasy theme along with a Poem challenge! Her blog is www.theabbie.com ... I found some other really cool blogs too and your list has some really interesting ones! Thanks for posting the list! :D

  2. Thanks for adding me to your list, Tizzy. I'm looking forward to checking out your posts too :-)

  3. There will be no shortage of interesting blogs to read during A to Z--there never is!

    Enjoy your April blog discoveries.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  4. Thank you!
    I've bookmarked your blog too, as well as the crafty ones I've noticed from the list! I shall be making my way through as many of the others as possible as well though!
    Looking forward to all the new blogs!
    Good luck with the challenge :)
    Kay - AKA KayGetsCrafty
    (No matter how hard I try I cannot get this to allow me to sign in and comment with my wordpress account - also the I am not a robot thing will seriously put a dent in received comments through the challenge just so you know)

  5. There are so many great crafty blogs on the list this year aren't there? Thanks for the tip off about the problems with my commenting system, Kay. I've now switched to Disqus and am hoping it will be an improvement. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. True. I wish I had time to visit them all!

  7. No problem, Annalisa. I'm very excited about checking out all the blogs!

  8. Thanks for letting me know about this one, it looks really good!

  9. Thanks. Looking forward to following yours throughout the challenge.


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