31 Jan 2015

Poll: Help Me Choose a New Name for my Business!

Hi all, today I'm looking for a bit of help and inspiration. I've decided to invest some more time and money into my writing, editing and design business and am trying to come up with a new business name. I'd like a name that reflects the variety of services I provide, which include proofreading, copy-editing, graphics and web design. I've narrowed it down to the following names, which are all currently available in the UK and as domain names.

I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to vote for your favourite below. If you have any alternative ideas, please post them in the comments.

Thanks! I'll let you know soon which one I choose, and then I'll start redesigning my website. Stay tuned!

1 comment :

  1. Great choices! It is a real challenge to choose just the right name for a business. I wish you the best! :)


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