17 Feb 2014

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Mini Challenge 6: The Love-a-Thon Awards!

The final mini challenge of the 2014 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon is to nominate your favourite bloggers for awards, in the style of the Grammy's or Oscars. I've always loved these type of posts as I enjoy highlighting blogs that I think deserve attention as well as discovering some new blogs to visit.

This was a really hard challenge as there are so many fantastic blogs that I visit daily that deserve an award, but I had to narrow it down to mentioning 3-5 blogs per category.

Anyway, without further ado, I would like to announce my nominations for The Love-a-Thon Awards!
*Drum-roll please*

Best Blog Design

This was a tricky one as there are so many amazing blog designs out there. The ones that particularly stand out for me, though, are:

1) Fire and Ice-it's so bright, colourful and British!
2) Pop Goes the Reader-I love the colours and all the cute vector images that Jen uses for each post.
3) The Perpetual Page Turner-a clean, simple design with soft colours. It looks very fresh and modern.

Best Weekly Feature

1) Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and The Bookish-every week there is a different top ten list to compile and you can see the topics months in advance so you can schedule your posts easily. The topics are always creative and really get you thinking about the books you read and review.

2) Cover Characteristic hosted by Sugar and Snark-a meme dedicated to our favourite book covers, with a different theme each week. Going on a scavenger hunt to find covers featuring a certain  object is a lot of fun.

3) Celebrate the Small Things hosted by Scribblings of an Aspiring Author-this meme is a great opportunity to reflect on all you've achieved in the past week and be grateful for the little successes.

Runners up: The Healthy Writer's Club hosted by Shalee McArthur, Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews, Waiting on Wednesday hosted by Breaking the Spine.

Best Discussion Posts

1) The Perpetual Page Turner. Jamie writes about subjects that other bloggers don't always want to approach. I particularly enjoyed her posts on Blogging When You Don't Feel Like Yourself and My Blogging Manifesto. You can read the rest of her discussion posts here.  

2) The Galavanting Girl Books. The regular feature, 'Sexism and Feminism in Geekery' is really thought-provoking, with links to lots of different discussions.

Friendliest Blogger

1) Roland D. Yeomans-although his popular blog receives a lot of attention, Roland is down-to-earth and friendly and always takes the time to visit and comment on other blogs. 

2) Brooke from Paper Mountain-always offers insightful comments and constructive criticism. She's also an amazing writer.

3) Daniel from Attack of the Books-often posts thoughtful and funny comments. 

Most Helpful Reviews

1) Fiktshun-articulate reviews with plenty of detail. My favourites are for Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood and Divergent by Veronica Roth.

2) Bewitched Bookworms-great quality reviews that are always fair. I loved the reviews for Nil by Lynne Matson, Uninvited by Sophie Jordan and Allegiant by Veronica Roth

3) Blogger's Bookshelf. The reviews are always honest and balanced. My favourite reviews recently have been for Archetype by M. D Waters and Angelfall by Susan Ee.

Favourite Author Blog

1) Jessica Khoury-a mine of information and advice for writers, with so many really helpful articles. A few that I have found particularly interesting are: Using Pinterest to Boost Blog Traffic, Blue-bottle Fly: 3 Keys to Writing Knock-out Descriptions and Female Archetypes we Haven't Talked About: Dark vs. Pale Beauties.

2) Gennifer Albin-insightful and inspiring posts about writing and not afraid to broach controversial topics.

3) Kimberly Sabatini-she writes such heartfelt pieces that I can really relate to, like this post about mental illness.

Runners up: Jessica Bell (plenty of interesting guest posts and discussions), Kiersten White (cute and hilarious) and Steph Bowe (a thoughtful and mature writer for her age). 

Which bloggers would you give an award to?


  1. You've seriously given me quite a few blogs to check out in this post! I'm new to quite a few, but one major exception - The Perpetual Page-Turner. Jamie's such a wonderful person, and definitely an inspiration for me!

  2. I love that you've given me so many new blogs to discover from your list! I know some of them already, but the majority are new to me! Thanks for sharing these! =)


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